If you plan to work in business, you need to understand technology. From marketing to human resource management, decision-making to customer service — all areas of business rely on information technology.
A degree in information systems will set you apart from your peers and prepare you for career success. As a graduate from Colorado Mesa University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, you will be ready for a career in business and ready for the information technology challenges of the future.
You will have many opportunities to apply what you learn in the classroom at internships with local information technology providers or information systems companies. CMU's program will provide you with practical knowledge and marketable skills that are in high demand. Currently, four of the five job categories that are projected to have the highest growth during the next decade are related to computer information systems. Further, computer information systems careers are typically characterized by above average salary ranges and sustained job growth with a high degree of mobility.
If you enjoy problem solving, participating in teams to solve business problems and working with computers — we are looking for students like you! Potential employers realize that students who major in computer information systems have these qualities and have gained a deep understanding of computers and their potential benefits for business.
The Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems combines technical skills and the business proficiency necessary for success in today’s business world. A unique program, the BAS allows students who have already earned an associate of applied science degree to build upon their technical specialties with essential learning courses, and junior- and senior-level computer information systems courses. This allows associate degree holders to gain a four year degree in approximately four additional full-time semesters, depending upon prior coursework. Computer information systems coursework includes project management, systems analysis and design, database administration, networking, electronic commerce, productivity tools, decision support, systems development and implementation including programming and information systems theory. BAS students will be technically and academically prepared for leadership positions within the information technology functional areas in their chosen industries. Prospective students not holding an associate of applied science degree can begin their college career at CMU in a chosen field of study with a two year degree and then progress to a four year degree using the BAS. This degree will provide students upward mobility in their area of employment as they move into supervision/management positions.
Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Information SystemsThe Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems is a degree required today as organizations face the challenges of technology management. This program provides graduates with business management skills and computer information expertise to manage computer systems in today’s organizations. Graduates of this program are employed in occupations such as systems analysts, analyst/programmers, database administrators, network administrators, web page designers, help desk specialists and IT managers. Graduates assist businesses with creating, obtaining and maintaining computer information systems that solve problems and assist in facilitating routine business events. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to provide a competitive advantage, employees with an understanding of both business concepts and computer systems are necessary. Computer information systems studies require students to examine computer systems from organizational, social, psychological and technical perspectives. Graduates from this program will have taken a variety of courses that were developed based on national guidelines for quality degrees in information systems.
Academic Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Computer Information SystemsThe Computer Information Systems minor allows students majoring in other subjects to enhance their degree with information systems knowledge. Graduates may use their expertise to help solve computer system problems for businesses. Since many businesses rely heavily on computer systems as decision-making tools, graduates with this minor will have a competitive advantage over those without it when applying for positions in many organizations. This minor may also give students an advantage when attempting to advance within an organization. Additionally, many employees across numerous organizations find themselves using computer hardware and software as productivity tools within their positions on a daily basis. The Computer Information Systems minor assists students in learning skills and background information that they will need in all occupations.
Academic Requirements for Minor in Computer Information SystemsThe Associate of Arts (AA) Business Computer Information Systems degree is designed for students who intend to continue their education and obtain a baccalaureate degree. The AA is the appropriate choice for students who will take upper division coursework in the arts, humanities, or social and behavioral sciences. The degree program includes the Colorado Statewide Essential Learning Core and meets the lower-division essential learning requirements at most public institutions in Colorado. The computer information systems AA degree, in addition to providing students with essential learning coursework, is useful in giving students a working knowledge of computer hardware and software. Students will be competent in using common productivity tools such as presentation software, spreadsheets and database management software. This skill set will give students an edge in future classes. If a student graduates with the associate degree, the computer information systems AA provides skills that can be used in the workplace immediately.
Academic Requirements for Associate of Arts in Business Computer Information SystemsThe Certificate in Decision Support Systems is designed to expose students and business managers to the knowledge and skills needed to use computer software to solve business problems, particularly to support decision making. The certificate will provide students with an overview of information they would encounter if they went on to earn the Minor in Managerial Informatics or the BBA Concentration in Information Systems or the BS in Computer Information Systems, each of which more fully prepares students to work in or manage the information systems functions of organizations.
Academic Requirements for Professional Certificate in Decision Support SystemsCareer opportunities and job growth are huge in the information systems field. Many students stay in Colorado, but many have taken jobs with multi-national corporations such as USAA, Boeing and even Google. Systems analysts, networking professionals, database administrators and other information technology or information systems professionals will be in demand for the foreseeable future.
Job titles that computer information systems (CIS) graduates have include:
- Business analyst or systems analyst- Looks at the business processes of a firm and determines how information systems might best be applied to the situation. Analysts might work with programming, databases, networks or web page development. Each of these positions requires an understanding of process modeling and system design.
- Consultants- Can serve internally or externally for an organization and work in any field but must understand how to apply technology to business problems. They might provide technical support directly to users on a help desk.
- Specialties- Including database administrator, network administrator, system administrator and information systems manager.
Need more info on career options for CIS? Explore what you can do with a computer information systems degree. Or contact IRIS for academic and career advising.